Ghost Ranch- Drawing for Joan Allen to "sketch" as Georgia O'Keeffe
FILM | Georgia O'Keeffe
For the film "Georgia O'Keeffe," I was hired by Sony Productions to create an academic portfolio of paintings and drawings that Georgia O'Keeffe might have created in her student years. I became Joan Allen's on-set painting tech and the Art Director, Steve Altman, had me create paintings for use as props that were featured in the film.

Painting to cover a 4'x5' window on set

One of many sketches for Breaking Bad

Filming at Ghost Ranch
TV | Breaking Bad
Mark Hanson, Prop Master for "Breaking Bad", asked me to create a sketch of the character "Heisenberg" that a member of a Mexican drug cartel might have drawn quickly in a cafe as opposed to a drawing done by a professional sketch artist. I ripped pieces of lined paper from a notebook and drew many versions of a middle aged man with a porkpie hat, dark glasses, and thin mustache. To make the sketch look amateurish, I left off the ears and drew the whole nose. I was surprised and thrilled to eventually see my sketch appear in the episode featuring the cousins in the Santa Muerte shrine, and later on t-shirts, stickers, and refrigerator magnets.

Display at Museum of Television NYC

Wearing my sketch of Heisenberg