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BORN:            1946               Glen Ridge, N.J.



                        1964               Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, N.Y.

                        1965-67         Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, P.A.

                        1966               La Romita School of Art, Terni, Italy




                        2010-2016     Patterns In The Fabric Of Time, autobiographical drawings

                                                Grandmother's Club, self portraits about aging

                                                Queen Of Jesters, an opera of the feminine quest

                                                Patchworks, deconstructed landscapes


SOLO SHOWS:         


                        2011               Santa Fe Studio Tour, Santa Fe, NM

                        2002               LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

                        1998               LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

                        1997               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1996               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1995               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1994               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1993               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1992               Kent Galleries, Santa Fe, NM

                        1991               Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1990               Gump's Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

                        1989               Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1988               Gump's Gallery, San Francisco, CA

                        1987               James-Schubert Gallery, Houston, TX

                        1987               Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1985               Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1983               Kathleen Bebahani Fine Arts, Houston, TX

                        1983               Munson Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1980               Graphics House Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1979               Graphics House Gallery, Santa Fe, NM

                        1978               Graphics House Gallery, Santa Fe, NM




                        2013               Windsor Betts, Santa Fe, NM

                        2011               "18 Days" NM Committee for the National Museum of Women In The Arts, Center For Contemporary Arts, Santa Fe, NM

                        2002               Johnson's of Madrid, Madrid, NM

                        2002               LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

                        2000               Johnson's of Madrid, Madrid, NM

                        1998               LewAllen Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM

                        1997               Pastel Society of NM, National Show, Albuquerque, NM

                        1992               Pastel Society of NM, National Show, Albuquerque, NM

                        1990               Hall's Gallery, Kansas City, MO

                        1988               Santa Fe Festival of the Arts, Santa Fe, NM

                        1985               Santa Fe West Gallery, San Diego, CA

                        1985               ART LXXXV, Amarillo, TX

                        1984               Santa Fe Festival of the Arts, Santa Fe, NM

                        1982               Robert Taylor Gallery, Houston, TX

                        1981               Santa Fe Festival of the Arts, Santa Fe, NM

                        1980               Carson-Sapiro Gallery, Denver, CO




                        1997              Pastel Society of NM National Show, Albuquerque, NM

                        1994              Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

                        1992              NM State Fair, Art Show, Albuquerque, NM

                        1992              Pastel Society of NM National Show, Albuquerque, NM

                        1990              Santa Fe Indian Market, Santa Fe, NM

                        1989              Taos Spring Arts Festival, Taos, NM           




                        2015               Santa Fe Opera Apprentice Workshop, Santa Fe, NM

                        2015               Young Technicians Program, Santa Fe Opera, Santa Fe, NM

                        2013               O'Keeffe Museum, Pastel Workshop, Santa Fe, NM

                        2012               O'Keeffe Museum, Self Portraits, Santa Fe, NM

                        2011               Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, NM

                                                (Portraits of Children workshop for 'Robert Henri and Ireland' exhibition)

                        1998-2011     Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, NM

                                                (Grandmothers Club,' Art and Leadership For Girls)

                        2008               Santa Fe International Conference on Creative Tourism (Workshop on charcoal portraits)

                        1999-2004     Santa Fe Children's Museum, Santa Fe, NM (Painting workshops for children)

                        2003-2013     Georgia O'Keeffe Museum, Santa Fe, NM, Education Department, Adult Learning Program

                                                (Lectures, demonstrations and workshops)

                        1999               Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

                                                (Artist in Residence, School of Fine Arts, Painting Department)

                        1998               Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

                                                (Artist in Residence, School of Fine Arts, Painting Department)

                        1997               Pastel Society of NM, Albuquerque, NM

                                                (Lecture and demonstration on pastel and landscape techniques)

                        1996               Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO(Senior painting students lecture)

                        1995               Pastel Society of NM, Albuquerque, NM

                        1995               Santa Fe Children's Museum, Santa Fe, NM

                                                (Painted portrait for five days as children watched and asked questions)

                        1994               Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO

                                                (Lecture for History of Art Class)

                        1994-1997     Fine Arts For Children, Santa Fe, NM

                                                (Taught classes on request)

                        1992               Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO

                                                (Lecture for Western Culture Class)

                        1992               Pastel Society of NM, Albuquerque, NM

                                                (Lecture and demonstration on pastel and landscape techniques)

                        1990               Pastel Workshop

                                                (1 week workshop with seven adult students)

                        1988               Santa Fe Festival of the Arts, Santa Fe, NM           

                                                (Lecture and demonstration on pastel and landscape techniques)

                        1979-1992     Santa Fe Public Schools, Art Classes, Santa Fe, NM



                        2011               Santa Fean, June/July Issue, 'Politically Collaged -- The Artistic Lives of Maggie Muchmore'

                        2010               Southwest Art, August, New Mexico Artists Issue, cover artist and article.

                        2009               emmy, Issue No. 4, 'Portrait of an Artist'

                        2000               Southwest Art, September Issue 'Close To Home, Maggie Muchmore'

                        1989               Southwest Art, May Issue, 'Maggie Muchmore'



                        2010               Gardens of Santa Fe, Anne Hillerman and Don Strel, The Muchmore Garden

                        2009               Landscapes of NM, Paintings of The Land of Enchantment, Susan Campbell and Suzanne Deats


FILM & TV:     

                        2009               Breaking Bad, AMC Productions

                                                (Drawing of 'Heisenberg' for opening episode, 3rd Season, Bryan Cranston, Director)

                        2008               Georgia O'Keefe, Sony Productions

                                                (Painting tech for Joan Allen, provided 25 paintings for Steve Altman, Art Director)

​All work reproduced on this website © Maggie Muchmore.  All rights reserved.

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